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The Diverse Delights of the Doig – Part III

The previous two Petro NinjaEnlighten Geoscience Wells of the Week focused on a pool that provided an interesting sequence stratigraphy case study and a sedimentological oddity rooted in the collapse of the Peace River Arch. This Well of the Week rounds out the triptych of Doig vignettes by recalling a resource play variant.

The Doig “Phosphates” which were so important in predicting the updip conventional shoreface reservoirs were also a hot topic in the early days of sussing out the potential of source rock hosted plays (Walsh et al., 2006). The interest was understandable given TOC levels of up to 9 to 11% and resource-in-place estimates of up to 70 TCF (Golding et al., 2015, Walsh et al., 2006).

A central consideration is the variability, as shown by the Doig Phosphate isopach map and dip stratigraphic cross section shown below. There is lots of room for interpretation and the creation of a nuanced exploration model.

Dip Stratigraphic Cross Section, Lacerda Silva and Bustin (2020)

Doig Phosphate Isopach Map, Lacerda Silva and Bustin (2020)

The play has been overshadowed by the Montney and Duvernay. Success in cracking open a new exploration play does not follow a smooth curve. The technical advancements from the Duvernay, Montney and other plays might provide a path to exploiting the Doig Phosphates (and other phosphatic formations – more on that subject in a later post). The additional data from all the Montney wells alone could provide many revelations.

Maybe it is time for a rethink.


M.L. Golding, M.J. Orchard, J.-P. Zonneveld, N.S.F. Wilson; Determining the age and depositional model of the Doig Phosphate Zone in northeastern British Columbia using conodont biostratigraphy. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 2015; 63 (2): 143–170. doi:

Lacerda Silva P, Bustin RM. Significance and Distribution of Apatite in the Triassic Doig Phosphate Zone, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Minerals. 2020; 10(10):904.

W. Walsh, C. Adams, B. Kerr, and J. Korol, 2006. Regional “Shale Gas” Potential of the Triassic Doig and Montney Formations, Northeastern British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources; Oil and Gas Division, Resource Development and Geoscience Branch. Petroleum Geology Open File 2006-02.



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